Read topical articles from local people & businesses

Whitby is a thriving community much loved by both residents and visitors. There is always something to read about – news, views, events, festivals, book reviews .. the list is endless. Below are some articles which we hope will be of interest to you. If you would like to submit an article, please email us at Articles are published at the discretion of Whitby Advertiser.


Friday 21st June

Discover your Whitby at the museum library and archives

Find your past in the Hugh Kendall Reading Room in Whitby Museum! 

Wednesday 19th June

You can be part of something special at Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary

Whitby Wildlife Sanctuary began fifteen years ago, completely by accident!

Monday 26th June

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership celebrates role of charities and local organisations.

Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership celebrates role of charities and the work of 14,000 organisations across our area ahead of NHS75  Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership (HNY HCP) are celebrating the role of the Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise sector (VCSE) ahead of the NHS 75th birthday on the… Continue reading Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership celebrates role of charities and local organisations.

Sunday 25th June


It’s said to be one of the most stressful times in your life when you move home. Here are some streets relieving key points to consider that could help your home move experience go as smoothly as possible.

Saturday 24th June

Listen up! Ear care is more important than you realise!

Ear care is an essential aspect of overall health and wellbeing. It involves maintaining good hygiene and taking preventive measures to protect the ears from damage. Effective ear care can also help prevent hearing loss and related issues, such as tinnitus and balance problems. In this article, we will discuss the importance of ear care… Continue reading Listen up! Ear care is more important than you realise!

Friday 16th June

Saint Catherine’s invites walkers to take on Scarborough Three Peaks challenge this June

The Scarborough Three Peaks – an 18K walk – returns for its second year on Sunday June 25