Read topical articles from local people & businesses

Whitby is a thriving community much loved by both residents and visitors. There is always something to read about – news, views, events, festivals, book reviews .. the list is endless. Below are some articles which we hope will be of interest to you. If you would like to submit an article, please email us at Articles are published at the discretion of Whitby Advertiser.


Monday 18th March

Caring Together – Supporting those who care for others

Caring Together is a local voluntary organisation and registered charity based at the Coliseum in Whitby

Monday 19th February

Whitby’s walled garden enhances wellbeing through nature

Volunteers from the Whitby Walled Garden have been working hard all winter with planning and preparation for 2024.

Monday 19th February

RNLI’s Bicentenary – 200 years of lifesaving

Since the RNLI was formed in 1824, towns like Whitby have formed crews and funded the kit and lifeboats to save lives at sea…

Monday 22nd January

Whitby’s Caring Together are on the move!

From Monday 22 January 2024, Caring Together Whitby & District are delighted to announce they are moving their office permanently to the Coliseum Centre, Whitby.

Monday 22nd January

Making a difference – the Whitby Street Angels

The Whitby Street Angels are on patrol…

Thursday 11th January

Work underway to improve mental health support in North Yorkshire and York

Work is underway to improve mental health support in North Yorkshire and Healthwatch are reaching out to the local community to learn more about the public’s experience.