Tickets available for The Cloughton Rat Pack does Strictly

A Saint Catherine’s Hospice production, The Cloughton Rat Pack does Strictly will be held at Scarborough Spa on Saturday 2nd September.

The night will see 10 local couples take to the stage to perform a 90-second routine in front of a packed grand hall, hoping to take home the trophy and raise vital funds for Saint Catherine’s.

Each couple has been kindly provided free lessons by one of five local dance teachers: Hatton School of Performing Arts, Benson Stage Academy, Kate Buchan Social Dancing, Power Dance Company and Julie Nockels.

Table seating downstairs is sold out but there are tickets available for the circle, these are priced at only £10 and are available at

The performances will take place to live music being played by The Cloughton Rat Pack, who will also be doing a full show of their repertoire after the dances have concluded.

In true Strictly style the couples will be scored by a four-person judging panel, including Scarborough Athletic manager Jonathan Greening, before the audience on the evening help to decide the overall winners.

The night is set to be an absolute spectacular – don’t miss out!