Over 2,000 people sign Save Eskdale School petition
Wednesday 1st March
A petition started by parents to keep choice in Whitby and save Eskdale School from closure has been signed by 2,479 people.
The signatures were made up of 1,157 written signatures and 1,322 online.
The petition was presented to Cllr Neil Swannick who represents Whitby’s Streonshalh ward on North Yorkshire County Council (NYCC).
He will hand it to Barry Khan NYCC’s Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services) and Monitoring Officer.
Keep Choice in Whitby and Save Eskdale School campaign group member Carla Blackman said: “The petition shows just how strongly this town feels about the threat and the decline of education in whitby.
“Addresses from up and down our coastline have signed their support wanting to see an improvement in the quality of schooling so that their children and their children’s children can continue to be educated in our town.”
Tomorrow (20th Feb) sees the start of the 6 week consultation period on the Whitby Secondary Partnerships plan to amalgamate Eskdale School with Caedmon College Whitby from September 2024. With the new school set to operate across a split site. The consultation period offers parents and local residents to have their say.
The proposal would result in the closure of Eskdale School which has been met with concerns and anger by parents and the local community.
Carla added: “We welcome the consultation as an opportunity to air some serious concerns over the failing governance of the schools.
“This is our chance to reboot education in the area and provide a legacy of schooling for generations of Whitby residents to come.
“We urge everyone whether they have links to the schools or not, to review the document and put forward their views.”
Pictured Cllr Neil Swannick (3rd from left) with members of the Keep Choice in Whitby and Save Eskdale School campaign group Michelle Vasey, Carla Blackman, Martin Hart, Terri-Anne Jones and Joyce Stangoe (Whitby Community Network)