Healthwatch seek your urgent care experiences to help NHS improve services
Friday 16th June

Healthwatch York and Healthwatch North Yorkshire are working together to find out people’s experiences of urgent care across York, Ryedale, Scarborough and Selby. This is part of the Humber and North Yorkshire Health and Care Partnership project to improve people’s experiences of urgent care. They want to understand what is working and what isn’t about urgent treatment options across the area. (urgent treatment includes GP out of hours services and urgent treatment centres, but not A&E or 999 services.)
People can feedback through a survey or by talking to volunteers in urgent treatment centres throughout June and early July.
Siân Balsom, Healthwatch York Manager, confirmed they would like to hear from as many people as possible: “As with every Healthwatch survey, we want to hear what people’s experiences are and particularly what’s good, what isn’t working and what can be improved. Everything we hear will be anonymous. And your views will be shared in a report giving recommendations to make sure you can get the right care in the right place when you need it.”
Ashley Green, Chief Executive of Healthwatch North Yorkshire added: “It is great to work together to make sure voices across North Yorkshire and York are being heard. We know how hard it can be for people to know where to go when they need help. By sharing your experiences, you can help us show how things could be better – this is vital information that will help us and local providers improve our urgent care services.”
The surveys are available in a number of formats (including Easy Read and a copy to print off and return by FREEPOST) at:
If you would like to complete this survey by phone, call Healthwatch York on 01904 621 133 (choose the option for Healthwatch York), or email to arrange an appointment. For people living in the rest of North Yorkshire, phone 01423 788 128 or email
Paper copies can also be collected from Healthwatch York at York Centre for Voluntary Services, 15 Priory Street, YO21 6ET.
The closing date is Friday 14 July 2023.