Donate your old stamps
Thursday 15th December

If you are not sure what to do with used postage stamps from letters, bills, postcards and of course Christmas Cards why not donate them to charities where they will be turned into much-needed donations?
Stamps are sold by weight, and any older stamps will be sold on to collectors and philatelists, which is an excellent source of extra income.
Another great point is that this is also environmentally friendly, it is a great form of recycling which helps reduce waste by not chucking them away in the kitchen bin! What could be better?
Whether your stamps are recent, old, common or rare, British or from a faraway country, every stamp can be saved! Stamp collecting (and other postal items) is a now a hugely popular hobby.
Why not get your children, grandchildren or the kids next door involved! It can become a great game to see who can save the most or find a stamp from the most remote country! It promotes charity, learning about different countries, postal history, recycling and of course give children an understanding of compassion and how important it is to try and help others.
If you decide to start saving stamps all you have to do is cut the stamp off the envelope, making sure to leave about half an inch of the envelope bordering the stamp, and post to the relevant address.
With many organisations struggling as a result of the Covid pandemic plus the increase in the cost of living, the coming winter is set to be harder than ever before – something as simple as a stamp could really make a difference.
Most charities are now providing a collection point that you can post out your stamps to, it’s simply a case of googling to find out that your chosen charity is on board.
If you are unsure of which charity to help, take a look at our list of a few fantastic causes that would be really grateful of your help. Perhaps choose a few different charities that benefit different causes and spread the love as far and wide as possible.
RNLI stamps, c/o Lara,
7 Speed Well, Brixham, Devon TQ5 9MJ
Bone Cancer Research Trust.
BCRT, Terri Bush, 20 Bowers Road, Benfleet,
Essex SS7 5PZ
War Paws
A UK charity helping animals in Iraq, Syria and other areas of conflict:
PO Box 7344, Wednesbury WS10 1DX
CLIC Sargent
Stamp Champ, CLIC Sargent, Unit 6, Abbey Wood Business Park, Filton, Bristol BS34 7JU
Parkinson’s UK
The Fundraising team, Parkinson’s UK
215 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 1EJ
Dogs Trust
PO Box 16992, Sutton Coldfield B73 9YA
Motor Neurone Disease Association
StampOutMND, 1 George Bates Close, Alsager.
Stoke-on-Trent, Cheshire ST7 2YG
Many Tears Animal Rescue
Lynn Burnell, Ty Cilymaenllwyd, Login,
Whitland SA34 0XA
Guide Dogs For The Blind
Mrs Diana Ashton, 66 Highbank, Roe Lee, Blackburn, Lancashire BB1 9SX
Macmillan Cancer Support (Yorkshire)
Stamp Bureau in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support
PO Box 469, Leeds LS17 1HX
Cats Protection League
Cats Protection, Stamp Appeal, PO Box 4557, Milton Keynes MK19 7ZS
Please note these are not head office addresses. Please only send stamps, no other correspondence.
Remember to put a stamp on the outside of your envelope too!.