A little bit about the Loftus and District Flower Club
Friday 15th December

The Loftus and District Flower Club, was the idea of Mrs Sheila Gibson-Mattison, and founded in 1991. Affiliated to NAFAS (The National Association of Flower Arrangement Societies) the Club forms part of the Northumberland and Durham area and meets monthly at Loftus Town Hall. The Club meet on a monthly basis (with the exception of Covid), and is supported by members from Saltburn, Brotton, Loftus, Easington, Whitby and the surrounding area.
Members of the Flower Club have taken part in a number of shows, most recently Stokesly Show but also further afield and have exhibited at Harrogate Show and Royal Horticultural Show at Westminster Hall
Demonstrators are booked up to a year in advance, such is their popularity, culminating in the Open Meeting, held each year at Skelton Civic Hall in November and which is open to members of the public as well as Club members.
An annual meeting is held at St Margaret’s Church, Brotton, encouraging young people to create floral arrangements and is always a popular event.
At the last AGM members requested a more hands on approach and during 2023-24 a number of workshops have been arranged in addition to demonstrators.
Their annual Flower Club Luncheon held at Grinkle Park was another highlights of the year, with an excellent demonstration, and the chance to meet friends and members from other Flower Clubs and is always well supported.
The club is particularlly proud that they have successfully arranged afternoon tea at Tocketts Mill, again in addition to the full program, and have some exciting ideas for 2024-25.

Visitors and new members often ask if they need to be able to arrange flowers and the answer is a resounding NO, to appreciate the beauty of flowers and plants and see how they can be crafted into a beautiful design is all that’s required.
Keep and eye out for their posters or check their Flower Club page on Facebook.
Everyone is welcome to come along and join in an exceptionally friendly group of ladies who appreciate the skills, knowledge and artistry of flower arranging.