Whitby Advertiser Competition Winners

Our readers enjoy our monthly crossword, puzzles and competitions. On this page you can check if you are one of the luck winners of a previously published competition.

Our Whitby Advertiser magazine runs a monthly prize crossword, simply complete the crossword and work out the hidden word(s). Our clue to find the hidden word is often cryptic and has a local twist to it.

We also have an additional monthly competition which is sponsored by a local company who provide a fantastic prize for the winner. In previous issues we featured Sammy the Seal who would hide one of his sandcastle flags on a page somewhere in the magazine, his challenge to the reader was to find the location of his flag!

Each month we will publish the winners of the previous issues competitions as well as reveal a completed crossword grid for those eager to see the answers to each clue.

You have to be in it to win it so check out the latest issue of the Whitby Advertiser for our latest competitions!

Our latest competition winners are as follows. Prizes will be distributed in due course. We may need to contact you.

July 2024 Issue (217)

Prize crossword

Won by Alison Atkinson of Whitby

Linda wins a copy of ‘Exchanging Heart Scales‘ by Barbara Raw.

The hidden word was Flowergate

Please see full crossword solution.


Find Crocco

Won by Alison Bedford of Whitby

Louisa wins a £10 voucher to be spent at the Crocodile Tapas Bar on Flowergate, Whitby.


June 2024 Issue (216)

Prize crossword

Won by Ken MacArthur of Whitby

Ken wins a copy of ‘The Vampire Shadow Dog‘.

The hidden word was Fathom.

Please see full crossword solution.

Find Crocco

Won by Rob Palmer of Scarborough

Philip wins a £10 voucher to be spent at the Crocodile Tapas Bar on Flowergate, Whitby.