Whitby Ladies Luncheon Club ** CANCELLED **
It is with regret that owing to the death of Barbara Benson-Smith MBE whose funeral is due to be held on the 29th February, the club has taken the decision in memory of Barbara who was a long time member and our Speaker Organiser to cancel its luncheon which was due to be held on the 29th February.
Neil Williamson (RNLI) will continue the talk he started on Yorkshire Day. As we have withdrawn from the SWCA, a £10 membership fee per person for 2024 is due at this meeting, a saving of £5. The cost of the 3-course lunch (inc tea/coffee) remains at £25 per person. We meet 9 times a year (Jan- Apr & Aug (Yorkshire Day)-Dec. We have a varied and interesting selection of speakers this year, including the popular Tim Tubbs on 25th April. The closing date for apologies/bookings is midday Sunday 25th February. All members are on a permanent dining list and only need to contact Hilda if unable to attend. New members and guests are also very welcome – please contact Hilda on 01947 821591 or e-mail hildagregson@aol.co.uk