Whitby Ladies Luncheon Club
Whitby Ladies Luncheon Club meet for a 3-course luncheon, followed by an entertaining talk by Tim Tubbs about “Madam Rachel – a beautician from the mid-Victorian period”. Lunch costs £25 per person including tea/coffee, and a raffle. Guests are very welcome. If you would like to join us for lunch, please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 or e-mail hildagregson@aol.co.uk for further information or to book no later than Sunday 21st April. Please also let Hilda know of any dietary requirements. Members are reminded that due to the postponement of the February Luncheon and to those who were unable to attend the March meeting, the yearly subscription fee of £10 is now due along with your updated membership form. On receipt of these, a programme card for the rest of the year will be issued..