Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club

The speaker will be Clair Stone speaking on ‘Education’. There will be the usual 3-course luncheon plus tea/coffee for £25, and a raffle. All members are on the permanent dining list, however if you are unable to attend or wish to bring a guest please let Hilda know by Thursday 19th October by telephone 01947 821591 or by e-mail hildagregson@aol.co.uk. All visitors are very welcome. If you would like further information regarding the Ladies Luncheon Club then please contact Hilda as above.

26 Oct
12pm for 12.30pm
01947 821591
£25 for 3-course luncheon plus tea/coffee
Saxonville Hotel,1 Ladysmith Ave, Whitby YO21 3HX