Whitby & District Ladies Luncheon Club
The speaker will be Peter Craggs: ‘Ghosts in the Past’ (part 2).The Luncheon Club meets the last Thursday of the months Jan- April & Sept to Dec, also a Yorkshire Day special lunch at the beginning of August, and membership is £15 per year. Visitors always welcome. Please contact Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591 or at hildagregson@aol.co.uk by Thursday 23rd March if you would like to join us for the March lunch or for further details
30 Mar
12 noon for 12.30pm
Hilda Gregson on 01947 821591
£25 for a three course lunch including tea/coffee.
meet at the Saxonville Hotel, Ladysmith Avenue, Whitby YO21 3HX